+1 (954) 768-9335
Mon - Fri 9:00 am- 5:00 pm
+1 (954) 768-9335
Mon - Fri 9:00 am- 5:00 pm

Father Rights

Learn about father rights issues of visitation and custody.

Father Rights in the State of Florida

Fathers have rights in the State of Florida. Among these rights are the right to have your name added to a child’s birth certificate after paternity has been established and the right to seek custody of your child. It is important to recognize that the establishment of paternity and support through the Department of Revenue, or another state agency does NOT address issues of timesharing. Unfortunately,the public has not been educated as to what process needs to be performed in order to enforce and establish the father’s rights. At DiMaggio Law Offices, we provide a complete line of legal services in the area of fathers’ rights.

Know your rights!

Our firm stands up for the rights of fathers in many types of situations. For help with your fathers’ rights issues or for more information about your rights as a father, contact our office today.

Unmarried fathers’ rights and establishment of paternity

When a child is born to parents who are not married, the father is not the legal father of that child until paternity is established. Paternity can be established through a declaration of paternity or through a paternity test. When paternity is established, the father of the child has rights that include having his name added to the child’s birth certificate and seeking joint custody or timesharing with the child. A father may also be ordered to pay child support. A father may be awarded custody of the minor child and be entitled to receive child support from the mother. There are also circumstances in which the father is and always has been the Factor primary residential parent of a child. Without the establishment of paternity in these cases, the father and child may be at risk for the wrongful removal or the minor child. It is important to recognize that the establishment of paternity and support through the Department of Revenue, or another state agency does NOT address issues of visitation and custody. Unfortunately, the public has not been educated as to what process needs to be performed in order to enforce and establish father\’s rights.

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if you ignore it. Let us help you!

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If you need any help, please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you with 1 business day. Or if you need immediate assistance, just call us now.

Call : (954) 768-9335

Contact@dimaggiolawoffices.com Mon – Fri 09:00 am – 5:00 pm

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